Me-Made-May 17

No surprise for those of you who know me or read my blog, I am just in time to join the Me-Made-May 17 (#MMMay17).  Fashionably late again! Yay!!!

This is the first year I have joined this challenge (and the first time I have heard of it too, thanks to the wonderful sewing community on Instagram).  This challenge is in it’s eighth year and hosted by Zoe from ‘So Zo…What do you know? , in case you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing about this before either.

It is designed to help those who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle garments for themselves, to develop and improve their relationship with their handmade wardrobe and hopefully learn more about themselves and their creativity.  This works on both a personal and community level, with lots of bloggers and Instagram users taking part and sharing their pledges.  Each participant makes their own pledge tailored to what is realistic and achievable for the month, with a challenge to develop ourselves.  Many people have already made similar pledges to wear one handmade item each day for the whole of May, whilst others have tailored the pledge to challenge their own creative goals.

The reason for my last minute entry was that I had been debating whether to take part at all. My daily wardrobe is still very much reliant on RTW as my focus when I started sewing regularly was on mainly smart and evening wear.  Since starting my blog and having more time to sew, I have realised that I want my me-made clothes to eventually become part of my everyday wardrobe.  Everyday clothes are what I wear now the majority of the time since I stopped working.  Developing a everyday me-made wardrobe is still in it’s early stages, but growing slowly (as my blog posts will demonstrate).

As such, I wanted to make sure that my pledge was realistic to my creative goals, without putting any undue pressure on myself and getting stressed and worried.  This is definitely not the purpose of this challenge.  This took time to think about and evaluate what I wanted to achieve here.  Hence why it has taken me until the day before the challenge to decide to take part!

So, without further ado *clears throat* *tings glass*, here is my pledge:

‘I, Sarah of , , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’17. I endeavour to wear my handmade items at least three times a week. In addition, I will pledge to make at least one new item from my sewing list each week for the duration of May 2017’

There you have it!  I will post pictures of the items I wear and make on my instagram page and will follow up with more details on my blog throughout May.  Please note that this is not a requirement of the challenge however, I want to document this to ensure I stick to the pledge.  Also I want to be able to look back and evaluate how this has development my overall handmade wardrobe goal.

I hope you will enjoy this with me throughout May, regardless of whether you are taking part or not.  If you do wish to take part, please click on the logo below for more details.  I look forward to sharing this with you.


11 thoughts on “Me-Made-May 17

  1. Great!! Yours sounds a little bit more realistic than mine… I’m aiming for every day but I’m not sure if I want it to highlight gaps I have so it might not be a bad thing that I can’t always do it. Good luck and can’t wait to see pics… xxx

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